This online course introduces sound design techniques for video makers, covering topics such as how to craft a soundscape, create sound effects, and use music to contribute to the overall story and emotion of the video. Participants will learn how to work with sound editors, mixers, and music producers to create a unique and compelling sound for their projects. The course will also cover the basics of sound mixing, mastering, and post-production. Through hands-on activities and real-world examples, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of sound design techniques for video makers.
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Sound Design Techniques for Video Maker
Understanding Team audio in video production:
- Sound Effects Supervisor
- Supervisor Departments
- Team members in the audio department.
Understand audio grouping in video production:
- Audio types: Foley, ADR, SFX
Understand how to apply Foley in video production:
- Foley function · Foley types: Footsteps, Clothing, props
- A simple explanation of the process of making Foley
Understand how to apply ADR in video production:
- ADR function
- A simple explanation of the process of making ADR
Understand how to apply SFX in a video production:
- SFX function
- Types of SFX: Small fx, large fx, Whoosh fx.
- 3 layers in SFX: Real, Emphasis, Sense of Movement